Wednesday 9 May 2012

Liquid Sunshine

After it pretty much raining continuously for about two weeks, I have been from screaming to crying to receding into myself to finally convincing myself that rain was just 'liquid sunshine'. I put on a brave face and walked my dog a few days ago... It was not pretty. My wellies - which are knee-high (yes, I'm Californian and own wellies... I know, it's wrong on so many levels, right?) - nearly flooded with water as I sloshed along the path that I usually walk my dog on. It is no longer a path but a small river and I am left drenched, unhappy and feeling like I want to sue someone for this weather. 

At least it's nice and green here... If it wasn't, I would find somebody to sue.

But, hey, it's liquid sunshine. Kind of. Not really. Good photo-ops though.
Sign outside the front of our house... Still not sure who put it there. We have crazy neighbours... 

These ducks climbed into my house through my dog's dog-door.


Finally a bit of sun. California girl and England do not mix well. I've never been this pale before in my life.

Moss and a snail I found. The snail looked comfy so I took a picture of him.

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