Sunday 29 April 2012

New Ideas...

I have recently realised, whilst doing our new module of photography at school, that most of my work revolves around my turbulent relationship with my mother. She's incredible, to me. Or, was. She was my mother, loving, caring, making sure that I ate all of my vegetables; and then she was also this superwoman, who travelled to all these strange places and saved people's lives.

When I was twelve, the truth hit me. She's diagnosed with a personality disorder, and a chronic liar. My father and his new family are good to me (I'm not about to complain), but my mother has become a sort of taboo in my house now; the epitome of evil. I had felt torn between my parents for my whole life (my dad: loving, stable, incredibly embarrassing, laid-back, sweat-shirt and jean-clad 'dad'; and my mother: jet-setting superwoman, with all these amazing stories, almost never around, though constantly telling me how beautiful I am; how smart; how funny... but never 'mom' or 'momma'. Always 'Mother') but , trying to please each one has torn me apart. It's impossible being caught in between them. My dad thinks one way, Mother thinks completely another.

My life was made easy, though. Mother hasn't spoken to me in two years; hasn't seen me in three.

I'm not complaining. Why, if this hadn't happened to me, what would I write about? I have found that, as much as I've tried to distance myself from my parents' divorce, it is such a big part of my life... So, why not photograph it?

Missing Mother

Last seen October 7th, 2010

If found please return to Antonia Mattessich.

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